Are Your
Health Problems STOP! Dr. Eric Bakker (ND) interactive candida yeast infection self diagnosis is now available and is an updated version of Dr. Crook's candida questionnaire. CLICK HERE TO TAKE CANDIDA TEST Yeast Connected?If your answer is yes to any question, check the box in the right hand column. When you've completed the questionnaire, add up the points you've checked. Your score will help you determine the possibility (or probability) that your health problems are yeast connected. Scoring for women: If your score is 9 or more, your health problems are probably yeast connected. If your score is 12 or more, your health problems are almost certainly yeast connected. Scoring for men: If your score is 7 or more, your health problems are probably yeast connected. If your score is 10 or more, your health problems are almost certainly yeast connected.
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