ADHD Conference Presentation
William G. Crook, M.D.*
Upon completion of this session participants will be familiar with:
the relationship of food allergies/sensitivities to ADHD
the relationship of simple sugars (including beet sugar, corn sugar and cane sugar) to ADHD
the relationship of the yeast, Candida albicans to ADHD
the controversy surrounding these topics (including studies and reports which show that sugar and yeast play little or no role in causing ADHD or other types of brain dysfunction in children)
The child with ADHD resembles a jigsaw puzzle with several or many pieces out
of place.
Each child is unique and differs from every other child. Sometimes a childs problem will be solved when his diet is
changed and hes given antiyeast medications.
In most children, however, other pieces of the puzzle must be put in place.
* Emeritus Fellow, American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of
Allergy, Asthma and Immunology and American Academy of Environmental
Personal Experiences
I opened my office to practice
general pediatrics in my hometown, Jackson, Tennessee in 1949.
Six years later, I read articles in the medical literature by
Rowe,1 Randolph,2 Speer3 and Dees4
describing systemic and nervous symptoms caused by milk, wheat, corn and
other common foods.
The relationship of foods to
symptoms in these children was determined by eliminating common foods
from the diet for five to seven days. If and when the child improved,
the eliminated foods were eaten again, one food per day, and reactions
were noted. Using this
diagnostic technique, I identified food-related problems in 50 of my
patients in the late 1950s and published my observations in the May 1961
issue of Pediatrics.
Although fatigue was
the major complaint in the majority of these patients, mental and
emotional symptoms (irritability, restlessness, inability to
concentrate, peevishness and perversity) were noted in 49 of the 50
children, and in 26 the nervous symptoms were a major complaint.5
Included in my article were case reports on four of my
patients and a review of the pediatric literature beginning with reports
by B. R. Hoobler6 in 1916 and W. R. Shannon7 in
During the ensuing
years my interest in food-related problems continued and in the mid and
late 1960s I began to see increasing numbers of children who today would
be classified as ADHD. I
was pleased when I was able to help most of these youngsters using
dietary changes.
On January 1, 1973 I
began a clinical study on the relationship of diet to hyperactivity and
emotional, behavioral and learning problems. At the end of five years Id
seen 182 new patients with these complaints.
Seventy percent of
the parents reported their childs nervous symptoms were caused by
dietary ingredients. The
causes of hyperactivity in these children included sugar (77), colors,
additives and flavors (48), milk (38), corn (30), chocolate (28), egg
(20), wheat (15). However,
many other foods were reported as causing trouble.
I reported my
observations in the Journal of Learning Disabilities,* in an
article entitled, "Can What A Child Eats Make Him Dull, Stupid or
Hyperactive."8 Forty-one
parents reported an excellent response; 60 parents reported a good
response; 18 parents reported a fair response; 16 reported a poor
response. Here are
representative positive comments made by two parents:
Childrens Clinic
Chart No. 43914: WO, age 6. "Even
a few bites of sugar, corn or eggs cause hyperactivity, nervousness,
stuffy nose, hoarseness and other allergy symptoms.
Last year when WO was in kindergarten, he experienced trouble
with discipline problems, paying attention to the teacher and sitting
still in class. This year
he is in the top group of all of his classes, is well-adjusted and is
not sick. Diet really
Childrens Clinic
Chart N. 43676:* CC, age 18 mos. when first seen.
"CC was expelled from nursery school at 18 mos. for aggressive
behavior. His worst
troublemakers are red dye #2, peanuts, wheat, sugar
and milk. At the age of 4
½ CC continues to be an extraordinary contrast to what he was 2 ½ year
ago. Instead of being the
most trouble of four children he is now the least."
A summary of this article was included in a Letter to the Editor in the New
England Journal of Medicine in 1994.
For a copy of this article send a stamped, self-addressed
envelope to International Health Foundation, Box 3494, Jackson, TN
Support from
academic colleagues:
Although many, and perhaps most, of my pediatric colleagues paid
little attention to my observation I made a few "converts,"
including the late William Deamer, Professor of Pediatrics, University
of California, San Francisco. Heres
an excerpt from his 1971 article published in Pediatrics,
an extensive bibliography (the allergic tension-fatigue syndrome ) may
be one of the most underdiagnosed syndromes in practice. Dr. William
Crook finds such patients to be numerous in his general pediatric
practice. I agree, but it
took me a long time to become fully aware of the fact."9
John W. Gerrard,
Professor of Pediatrics, University of Saskatchewan, became interested
in food allergies and sensitivities in the 1960s.
In his 1973 book, Understanding Allergies, he told the
story of one of his patients who . . .
. . used to be a restless, inattentive lad who was so fidgety in the
classroom that he infuriated his teacher and upset most of the other
children. After milk was
eliminated from his diet, his teacher said, He
now concentrates on his work. He
sits still as a statue and is a model to everyone else.
first I found it hard to believe that harmless foods could so change a
childs personality; but many parents have made confirmatory,
unsolicited observations. Im
now convinced that in ways we do not yet understand, the allergic childs,
and adults too, behavior can be altered and modified as dramatically
by foods as it can be altered by drugs."10
The late Frank A.
Oski, M.D., in a chapter of his book, Dont Drink Your Milk,
discussed milk and the tension-fatigue syndrome.
Heres an excerpt of his comments,
a growing body of evidence . . . to suggest that certain allergies may
manifest themselves primarily as changes in personality, emotions, or in
ones general sense of well-being . . . These children will appear
restless and in a constant state of activity.
They fidget, grimace, twist, turn, jump and just never seem to
sit still. Many of these
children are also excessively irritable and can never be pleased . . .
example of the magnitude of this problem is provided by the experiences
of Dr. William Crook.
a group of 41 children he found that each child was allergic to an
average of three foods. . . 28
were sensitive to milk. Sensitivity
to cane sugar was equally frequent.
Sensitivity to eggs, wheat and corn were also common."11
Walter W. Tunnessen,
Jr., M.D.,* Oskis colleague in New York and subsequently at Johns
Hopkins, published an article about food allergies in 1979. Here are excerpts,
the past ten or so years the voice crying in the wilderness that
has caught my attention concerning this disorder, the tension-fatigue
syndrome, is that of William Crook, M.D. of Jackson, Tennessee.
His article, Food Allergy the Great Masquerader, (Pediatric
Clinics of North America, 222-238, 1975), is worth reading and
digesting. . .
symptoms may include overactivity, restlessness and clumsiness, sensory
tension may be reflected in irritability, insomnia or hypersensitivity
to pain or noise. . . The proof of the pudding is in some simple dietary
elimination . . . the culprits I find most common are milk, chocolate
and eggs, although cane sugar, corn and wheat should also be considered
. . .
too, had been a doubting Thomas until my son responded to dietary
elimination. . . Do we need
hard data in a form of laboratory confirmation to support every
diagnosis? I think not. Soft data, subjective signs and symptoms can be applied
just as rigorously to reinforce our hypotheses."12
In 1978, Doris Rapp,
a pediatric allergist and a member of the clinical faculty at the
University of Buffalo, published an article on the relationship of diet
to hyperactivity in the Journal of Learning Disabilities.13
Since that time she has carried out scientific studies and made
movies documenting her
observations and has published several books which focus on these
CC was a National Merit Scholarship semi-finalist and received a
four-year, all expenses paid scholarship at a major university.
Tunnessen is now the Senior Vice President of the American Board of
Pediatrics, 111 Silver Cedar Ct., Chapel Hill, NC 27514-1651.
My Comments:
Only a small
minority of my professional colleagues agree observations on the
relationship of food to behavioral and learning problems in children.
In an effort to
encourage additional research studies, I sent a letter to Pediatrics,
which was published in January 1982.
Here are excerpts,
investigating the effects of sugar (or any dietary ingredient) on the
behavior of children is difficult and complex . . . the time has come
for carefully designed studies to be undertaken to throw more light on
this controversial subject. However,
before such studies are done . . . the following pre-requisites should
be met:
The study should be funded by an impartial body (not by the sugar or
fabricated food industry).
The scientists who undertake the study should go out into the
field and spend time with physicians whove been working with
hyperactive children using the dietary approach.
Those conducting the study should carefully review the large volume
of medical literature relating to sensitivity reactions to foods. (There
are more than 175 scientific articles and 25 books on the subject.)
a child eats can make him hyperactive.
And truly impartial, carefully designed scientific studies are
urgently needed to document this relationship for the benefit of
parents, children, physicians, teachers and everyone concerned with the
health and welfare of children."
In 1979 I learned
about yeast-related problems: I
read an article by C. Orian Truss, M.D., an internist and allergist who
described the relationship of the common yeast, Candida albicans
to mental and nervous symptoms.15
Because of an
explosion of interest in yeast-related problems, I wrote and published a
hardback edition of The
Yeast Connection in 1983 and a paperback edition in 1986.
This book, which sold over one million copies, spread the yeast
story all over the world. Although
my initial book is seriously out of date, Ive published other books
which include a discussion of yeast-related problems including Help
for the Hyperactive Child and The Yeast Connection Handbook.
Other publications
which discuss the relationship of yeast to health problems which affect
children include The Missing Diagnosis by C. Orian Truss, M.D., Yeast
Problems by Ray C. Wunderlich, M.D., The Candida Related Complex
by Christine Winderlin and Keith Sehnert and Allergy Relief and
Prevention by Jacqueline Krohn and colleagues.
In spite of the
observations by Dr. Truss and a number of other physicians, including
professionals with impeccable academic credentials, the relationship of
yeast to a number of chronic disorders was labeled "speculative and
unproven" by a major medical organization in the mid 1980s.
Many physicians continue to cite this report.16
Support for the relationship of
sugar and yeast to ADHD and other types of brain dysfunction in children
Data obtained by
Bernard Rimland, Ph.D., Autism Research Institute. Rimland summarized information
obtained from 8700 parents who filled out questionnaires about
prescription drugs given to their autistic children.
Forty-nine percent
of the 208 parents found that their child was "better" on antifungal
medication (nystatin or
Nizoral). Only 4% said
their child was "worse."
(The better/worse ratio was more than 12:1.)
None of the other
prescription medications showed a better/worse ratio of more than 2:1 in
1161 children who were given stimulants the better/worse ratio was only
William Shaw,
Ph.D. and colleagues in studies of children with brain dysfunction found
elevated fungal metabolites and other abnormal acids in the urine of
children with autism and ADHD. Following
treatment with the antifungal medications (nystatin or Diflucan) and
dietary changes, all of the autistic children improved.18
In his recent studies
on the relationship of yeast (and bacterial metabolites) to ADHD, Shaw
found elevations in a number of compounds, including citramalic acid and
Clinical Data July/August 1999: I sent questionnaires to 16
practicing physicians interested in the management of children with
ADHD. Eleven of the
responders said that avoiding sugar was "very important," three said
it was "somewhat important," and two said it was "not important."
Five of the
responders said that antiyeast therapy was "very effective" in
managing these children and eight said it was "somewhat effective"
in managing these children. One
responder said it was "not effective" and another responder said he
had not tried this therapy.
Patricia K.
Hardman, Ph.D., Tallahassee, FL, said, "In
over 25 years of working with severely hyperkinetic and dyslexic
children in our school, weve never recommended or needed to have one
child on Ritalin. Our
regimen for these children includes the elimination of cows milk and
sugar." (Personal
Ralph Campbell,
M.D., FAAP, Polson, MT, said, "In
over 30 years of practice Ive only had to prescribe Ritalin for three
children. Most of these
kids have trouble with only two substances table sugar and cows
milk." (Personal c
6. Linda P. Rodriguez, M.D., FAAP, "Ive
encountered many children with ADHD.
In the past I was frustrated with the traditional approach until
I learned about the relationship of yeast to these problems.
Since then, Ive been able to help these children with positive
What are some of
the mechanisms which suggest the relationship of sugar and yeast to
Children with ADHD often give a
history of repeated ear infections in infancy.
Such ear problems are usually treated with amoxicillin and/or
other broad spectrum antibiotic drugs.
A research study found that 69% of children being evaluated for
school failure who were receiving medication for ear infections. By
contrast, only 20% of non-hyperactive children had more than ten infections.20
Antibiotics wipe out friendly bacteria in the gut while theyre
knocking out enemies, as a result, the usually benign microorganism, Candida
albicans, multiplies.
Based on the research studies by Iwata in the 1970s, candida puts
out toxins which affect the nervous system, the immune system and other
parts of the body.21
A study from St. Jude Children Research Hospital and the
Department of Pediatrics, University of Tennessee showed that
gastrointestinal growth of Candida albicans was approximately
200 times greater in mice who received dextrose than in a control group.
Dextrose availability allows C. albicans to colonize in
the GI tract in an enhanced degree compared to xylitol and control
groups. (P=0.001)."22
Changes in the gut flora play a part in causing increased
permeability in the intestinal membrane (a "leaky" gut).
As a result, endotoxins, enterotoxins and food allergens are more
apt to be absorbed, leading to further symptoms.
In 1987, W. Allan
Walker, M.D., of Harvard University Medical School, discussed the role
of the intestinal mucosal barrier in handling antigens. In a comprehensive review of antigen handling by the gut, he
experimental clinical evidence suggests that large antigenically active
molecules can penetrate the intestinal surface not in sufficient
quantities to be of nutritional importance, but in quantities that may
be of immunological importance."
observation could mean that the intestinal tract represents a potential
site for the absorption of bacterial breakdown products, such as
endotoxins and enterotoxins, proteolytic and hydrolytic enzymes or other
ingested food antigens that normally exist in the intestinal lumen."23
British physician, J. O. Hunter, FRCP, presented a hypothesis to explain
the mechanisms that take place in people who experience adverse food
reactions, including those with eczema and hyperactivity.
In his discussion he said that patients with food allergies have
an abnormal gut flora, even though pathogens are not present.
And he stated,
food allergy is not an immunologic disease, but a disease of bacterial
fermentation in the colon, it might be more appropriately named an enterometabolic
disorder. ... Modern microbiology has opened the way to the
manipulation of bacterial flora to allow the correction of food
intolerances and thus the control of disease."24
Yeast (Candida albicans) and ADHD
Sugar, Yeast and ADHD:
Opposing Points of View
Here are reports from
professionals who disagree with me-often strongly.
Mark L. Wolraich,
M.D., Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, in a 1995 article in JAMA
meta-analytic synthesis of the studies to date found that sugar does not
affect the behavior or cognitive performance of children.
The strong belief of parents may be due to expectancy and common
association. However, a small effect of sugar or effects on subsets of
children cannot be ruled out."25
In a subsequent
report he stated,
main beneficial treatment (for ADHD) are two nonspecific treatments,
stimulant medication and behavioral intervention, preferably in
combination . . . Diets that restrict sugar have not been proved to be
D. W. Hoover and R.
Milich, in a 1994 article stated,
study tested the hypothesis that commonly reported negative effects of
sugar on childrens behavior may be due to parent expectations . . .
Mothers in the sugar expectancy condition rated their children as
significantly more hyperactive."27
D. A. Krummel and
associates commented,
behavioral responses to ingestion of candy have been reported repeatedly
in the lay press. Parents and teachers alike attribute excessive motor
activity and other disruptive behaviors to candy consumption . . .
Although sugar is widely believed by the public to cause hyperactive
behavior, this has not been scientifically substantiated. [emphasis
double blind, placebo-controlled studies of sugar challenges failed to
provide any evidence that sugar ingestion leads to untoward behavior in
children with ADHD . . . For children with behavioral problems
diet-oriented treatment does not appear to be appropriate."28
[emphasis added]
In his 1996 book, Taking
Charge of ADHD, The Complete Authoritative Guide For Parents,
Russell A. Barkley, Ph.D., Director of Psychology and Professor of
Psychiatry and Neurology at the University of Massachusetts Medical
Center, discussed a number of "myths" under the heading, "What
does not cause ADHD." Here
are excerpts,
It Sugar That Causes ADHD As I So Often Hear? "Not a single scientific study has been provided by
proponents to support these claims."
[emphasis added]
Barkley reviewed the
observations of Wolraich, Milich and others cited above and said,
studies have failed to find any effects associated with sugar ingestion
and the few studies that have found effects have been as likely to find
sugar improving behavior as making it worse.
How can this be the case when nearly half the parents and
teachers queried in one of these studies stated their child appeared to
them to be quite sugar sensitive?"
Also, Barkley poses
and answers this question, Can Yeast Cause ADHD? Heres an excerpt of what he had to say,
William Crook, a pediatrician and allergist from Jackson, Tennessee has
been a vocal proponent of yeasts . . . as a major cause of many
different learning, behavioral and emotional problems, especially ADHD.
. . Presently not a shred of sound scientific evidence supports Dr.
Crooks theory. Given that the American Academy of Allergy and
Immunology have found the theory of yeast sensitivity unproven, parents
are encouraged to ignore any advice based on it."29
[emphasis added]
In a widely publicized 1998 book, Running on
Ritalin, Lawrence H. Diller, M.D., a California psychiatrist in
discussing dietary theories said,
share with many parents, discomfort with todays standard medical
approach to ADD, especially its emphasis on the use of Ritalin for their childrens
problems. . . No one can
legitimately claim they have the right answer for every childs
behavior problems. . . For the most part, those who explore natural
alternatives are representing a descending minority, many of whom return
to Ritalin when other methods fail.
foods that contain refined sugar, food additives and/or dyes, or
salicylates . . . or all of the above, has led to improvement in many
cases studies showing that dietary interventions worked with only
a very small percentage of children."
In a paragraph
entitled, "Antifungal and the role of candida," Diller said,
"A chief component of this
theory recommends treatment and includes a control diet, elimination of
environmental toxins, nutritional supplements and antifungal medication,
especially for children with a history of antibiotic use. Scientific
support is lacking."30 [emphasis added]
A Closing Comment:
No single intervention,
including the removal of sugar or antiyeast medications, provides a
quick fix for the child with ADHD.
In my experience, and that of a number of professionals and
nonprofessionals, these interventions can and do help many children.
Heres what I tell my patients, "Helping your child with ADHD can be
compared to taking bundles of straw off of the back of an overloaded
Further research
is urgently needed to evaluate
the clinical observations described
in this report.
Questions and
True or False:
Allergy prick
tests are the best way to determine the presence or absence of
sensitivity to milk, wheat, sugar or other common foods. (F)
The presence or
absence of a yeast-related disorder can best be determined from the
history of the child receiving repeated or prolonged courses of
antibiotic drugs and the childs response to a comprehensive treatment
program. Such a program
includes the avoidance of simple carbohydrates (especially corn, cane
and beet sugar) and the administration of antifungal medications and
probiotic supplements. (T)
Children who
consume diets which lack magnesium, zinc, Omega-3 fatty acids and other
nutrients, are prone to develop behavior and learning problems. (T)
Parents and
professionals should be concerned about the exposure of children
pollutants in homes and schools. These
include insecticide sprays, tobacco smoke, perfumes, odorous carpets
and other outgassing chemicals. (T)
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